Monday, January 23, 2012

Auberon Herbert: appeal to you to free yourselves from these many systems of state force, which are rendering impossible the true and happy life of the nations of today.

"We, who call ourselves voluntaryists, appeal to you to free yourselves from these many systems of state force, which are rendering impossible the true and happy life of the nations of today. This ceaseless effort to compel each other, in turn for each new object that is clamored for by this or that set of politicians, this ceaseless effort to bind chains round the hands of each other, is preventing progress of the real kind, is preventing peace and friendship and brotherhood, and is turning the men of the same nation, who ought to labor happily together for common ends, in their own groups, in their own free unfettered fashion, into enemies, who live conspiring against and dreading, often hating each other."

~Auberon Herbert, from A Plea for Voluntaryism

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